Greetings from Palermo - your Nikita
What will be behind this clouds? Greetings from the beautiful Vienna - Santos
Dora is learning french
now we will learn the 'Tyrolean Jodler'
but I get strongly problems with my tongue! - your Daisy
two lucky winners - greetings from family Woerndl
She means, I need a hearing aid - that is wrong - I hear only what I want - Mrs Neuroth with her sunshine - Hummel
Today we have closed - Gasthof 'Weißes Rössl' family Steiner with Kenny
Greetings to my buddys at the Fugerhof as you can see, I am fine - yours Maxim
Is it still far to the summit of this mountain? Family Feldhofer with Lorenzo BGH 3 with very good success - a great achievement for a Saint Bernard
No beer for dogs, and I have the whole way down to the valley - poor Lorenzo
finally - we are up at the mountain - greetings - your Hannibal and family Lübeck
without words
Where is the milk today - your Kondor from Dornbirn
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